Friday, 22 November 2013


SEWA is such an inexpressible virtue which can’t be stated in words. So, instead of trying to define what sewa is, let us see some cases which are the real motive behind sewa. Such sewa turns out to be a fruitless deed, far from true sewa.

·        It isn’t sewa if it is for the purpose of getting a tax-deductible receipt.
·        It isn’t sewa if your heart and soul aren’t in it.
·        It isn’t sewa if it isn’t done with honesty and integrity.
·        It isn’t sewa if it’s for building your resume.
·    It isn’t sewa if it is meant to be a stepping stone to bigger and better things.
·        It isn’t sewa if you need to tell others, now or later, that you did it.
·        It isn’t sewa if lack of appreciation by others, or their criticism, drives you away.
·        It isn’t sewa if you believe that it is your right to do it.
·        It isn’t sewa if you have to fight against others to do it.
·        It isn’t sewa if you snatch it away from another, to do it.
·        It isn’t sewa if you begin to believe you’re the best one to do it.
·        And, it isn’t sewa if it distresses you that others take credit for what you’ve done.



Tuesday, 29 October 2013

DISCIPLINE- the difference between good and great

Discipline means training the mind and characters. It is a training to live in accordance with rules. It is physical, mental and moral training. Discipline is necessary in all walks of life. Any house without discipline will surely go to the dog. A teacher cannot teach if his students don’t keep discipline in the class. A school or college where things move in discipline gets name and fame students of such a school or college win merit position and shine in life. Discipline is very necessary if we want to revive our ancient glory. It must be kept in mind that discipline can’t be enforced by law alone. It is training of the mind. It has to come from within. It is a backbone of character. So we can say that, Discipline is just choosing between WHAT YOU WANT NOW and WHAT YOU WANT MOST.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


nkg phsh xNBkF  nkgD/ eosZt s'A GNfenk ekwk

16 i{B 2012 B{z ;kw seohpB 6L30 ti/ b[fXnkDk pZ; nZv/ s/ uzvhrVQ bJh pZ; dh Gkb eo fojk ;h, nukBe fJZe gqkJht/N pZ; dh gb/N s/ uzvhrVQ pZ; ;N?Av fbfynk ;h ns/ dotki/ e'b yVQk ezveNo iodk wbQdkFwbQdk T[ZuhFT[Zuh uzvhrVQ-43 nZv/ dk j'ek d/ fojk ;h. d' pi[or n"osK uzvhrVQ pZ; nZv/ g[ZSe/ pZ; p?m rJhnK s/ Bkb jh w?A pZ;/ uVQ frnk. T[; fdB rowh pj[s ;h go 7 ti/ pZ; ubD Bkb jtk bZrh s/ rowh s'A E'VQh fB÷ks fwbh. ;co pj[s tXhnk uZb fojk ;h. vokJhto s/ ezveNo ;bhe/ Bkb okj ftZu g?Ad/ fBZe/ w'N/ fgzvK dh ;tkohnK Bz{ th uVQk fojk ;h, go T[BQK s'A g?;/ b? e/ fNeNK d/D s'A esoQk fojk ;h ns/ bzwQ/ ;co dhnK ;tkohnK dh pekfJnk oew fNeNK fgZS/ fby, x[Zrh fijh wko fdzdk. jo T[woFtor dk ftnesh pZ; dh ;kB pDh p?mk ;h. pZ; ftZu ;kfJd jh e'Jh ykbQh irQk ofj rJh j't/, fiZE/ ;tkohnK Bk bZdhnK j'D, r/no bkr/, fJMzD s/, ezveNo dh ;hN s/, fJZE'A sZe fe B"itkBK B/ SZs s/ th wfjfcb iwkJh j'Jh ;h.
           okj ftZu g?Ad/ fgzvK dh frDsh eod/Feod/ seohpB pZ; 8L45 s/ w'fozv/ gj[zuh, fiZE/ pZ; 10 fwzN yVQh ojh. ezveNo, vokJhto B/ pZ; s'A EZb/ T[soe/ nkg; Zu s/ fco c'B s/ y[;oFc[;o ehsh. nukBe ezveNo B/ nktki fdZsh, fi; wkJhFGkJh dk pekfJnk j?, b? bU fco Bjh fwbDk efj e/ pZ; dh gb/N uzvhrVQ pZ; ;N?Av s'A w'jkbh pZ; ;N?Av gbNe/, nkgDh fizw/tkoh vokJhto B{z ;zGkb w'fozv/ bkr/ g?Ad/ nkgD/ fgzv bJh T[so frnk.
           w'fozvU pZ; uZbe/ d; fwzNK ftZu yoV gj[zuh, fiZE' w'jkbh bJh d' ;tkohnK uVhnK sK vokJhto B/ y[d T[BQK dh fNeN eZNe/, fco pZ; ukb/ gkJh. pZ; E'Vh uZbh jh ;h fe nukBe pb'Arh d/ pZshnK tkb/ Nh g[nkfJzN s'A gfjbK o[e rJh s/ vokJhto B/ EZb/ T[Zso, uzvhrVQ-43 pZ; nZv/ dhnK ;tkohnK nk ikU nktki fdZsh. n;hA g[fSnk, j[D eh j' frnk sK vokJhto efjD bZrk fe s[jkBz{ nkN' (Eqh thjbo) ftZu G/iKr/, fJj pZ; w'jkbh pZ; nZv/ ikDh j?. ;co s'A nZfenk w?A fJ; finkdsh pko/ vokJhto Bkb rZb ehsh go T[j nkgD/ g?oK s/ gkDh BjhA ;h g?D d/ fojk. oks d/ ;w/A j?okB j'D dh pikJ/ nkyho n;hA ;ko/ nkN' (Eqh thjbo) p?m rJ/. w?A ns/ T[j pi[or n"osK fJZem/ ;B, s/ T[j (n"osK) d/;h Yzr Bkb vokJhtoFezveNo B{z p[ok Gbk efj ojhnK ;h. go w?A ezveNo dh efjDh ns/ eoBh d/ nzso B{z wkg fojk ;h, fi; ekoB 16 ;tkohnK B{z oks 9L30 ti/ yZSbFy[nkoh MZbDh g? ojh ;h. nkN' d/ vokJhto B/ rZbKFrZbK ftZu dZf;nk fe gqkJht/N pZ;K B{z uzvhrVQ 43 pZ; nZv/ ikD dh wBkjh j?, fco th ;tkohnK fpmk e/ fNeNK eZN fdzd/ jB. vokJhtoFezveNo w'fozv/ gjz[ue/ ;kB{z c'B eo fdzd/ jB ns/ n;hA frDsh d/ w[skfpe dZ;h irQk s/ gj[zu ikd/A jK, n;hA thj o[gJ/ ;tkoh b?Ad/ jK ns/ ezveNo B{z 5/6 o[gJ/ ;tkoh ckfJdk j[zdk j?. fJzBh rZb ;'u w?A j?okB ;h fe ezveNo B/ nkgDh i[pkB dk w[Zb 5/6 o[gJ/ bkfJnk ns/ ;tkohnK dk nw[Zb ft;tk; rtk fbnk, fi;B{z fiZsD bJh eJh b'eK dh fizdrh bZr ikdhA j?.fco nkgD/ nkg B{z fJj ;'ue/ fdbk;k fdZsk fe g?;/ sZe ;hfws b'eK dh fizdrh ftZu ;Zu, ft;tk;, GktBktK dh e'Jh  ehws BjhA j[zdh.
           fJj w/oh fizdrh dk nZyh fvZmk, n;fj ns/ nkg jzvkfJnk ezveNo d[nkok ;tkohnK Bkb ewkfJnk Xq'j ;h, fi; ftZu fJB;kBhns edoKFehwsK ns/ ezf;T[wo gq'N?e;B n?eN dhnK y[Zb/nkw XZihnK T[ZvhnK. nkyQho, fvZrdk, Yfjzdk, ;'udk, ftukodk oks 10L10 s/ w?A nkgD/ xo gzj[funk. ;w/A dh B÷kes B{z t/yd/ T[; ;w/A w?A m'; edw Bk u[Ze ;fenk go nkT[D tkb/ ;w/A ftZu fe;/ Bkb th nfijk X'yk Bk j't/, fJ; wzst Bkb w?A fJj xNBk gkmeK Bkb ;KMh eo fojk.

Sunday, 3 March 2013


If swimming is a good exercise to stay FIT, why are whales FAT...?

Why is the place in a stadium where people SIT, called a STAND...?

Why is that everyone wants to go to HEAVEN but nobody wants to DIE...?

Shall I say that there is racial discrimination even in chess as the WHITE piece is moved FIRST...?

In our country, we have FREEDOM of SPEECH, then why do we have TELEPHONE BILLS...?

If money doesn't grow on TREES then why do banks have BRANCHES...?

Why doesn't GLUE stick to its BOTTLE...?

Why do you still call it a BUILDING when its already BUILT...?

If its true that we are here to HELP others, what are others HERE for...?

If you aren't supposed to DRINK and DRIVE why do bars have PARKING lots...?

If All The Nations In The World Are In Debt, Where Did All The Money Go..?

When Dog Food Is New With Improved Taste, Who Tests It..?

If The "Black Box" Flight Recorder Is Never Damaged During A Plane Crash, Why Isn't The Whole Airplane Made Out Of That Stuff...?

Who Copyrighted The Copyright Symbol...?

Can You Cry Under Water...?

Why Do People Say "You've Been Working Like A Dog" When Dogs Just Sit Around All Day...?